Zomba Central Hospital is one of four central hospitals in Malawi and serves as a
district hospital within Zomba district and a tertiary referral center to 4 other district hospitals. The hospital has
500 beds and 4 main clinical departments: internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics & gynecology.
There is no emergency department, admissions are made through outpatient clinics. The hospital is mostly
staffed by clinical officers (having undertaken a 3-year Diploma in Clinical medicine). All routine care is
provided free of charge to the user.
Rakers M, Mwale D, de Mare L, Chirambo L, Bierling B, Likumbo A, Langton J, IMPALA Study team, Chavannes N, van Os H, Calis J, Dellimore K, Villalobos-Quesada M