The Center Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann is a public administrative establishment endowed with moral and legal personality and financial autonomy under the control of the State.
Centre Hospitalier NationalUniversitaire (CHNU) FANN
Eholie SP, Ekouevi DK, Chazallon C, Charpentier C, Messou E, Diallo Z, Zoungrana J, Minga A, Ngom Gueye NF, Hawerlander D, Dembele F, Colin G, Tchounga B, Karcher S, Le Carrou J, Tchabert-Guié A, Toni TD, Ouédraogo AS, Bado G, Toure Kane C, Seydi M, Poda A, Mensah E, Diallo I, Drabo YJ, Anglaret X, Brun-Vezinet F, FIT-2 study group