Volunteers for Nursing & Medical Mission Trips to Haiti

Opportunity provided by

Foundation for Peace

Works with local communities to build schools, medical clinics, water purification facilities, churches, and more.


Join us on a life-changing Medical Mission Trip

FFP nursing/medical trips provide important benefits to those served and those serving! Many local people lack access to healthcare due to inability to pay for treatment and transportation. Our goal is to bring a team to the communities where we work several times a year to provide some continuity of care. We use an EMR to help track patients. The experience is so powerful  that many who first come as students on a trip ask to return yearly as providers with a team to continue their service.


Basic medical care is anything but basic.

Untreated conditions and illnesses (which would be easily treated elsewhere) are common. Basic care eliminates needless suffering and allows people to live more productive lives.

FFP provides:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute illnesses and injuries.
  • Free medicines for conditions common to the area.
  • Selected laboratory testing (e.g., pregnancy, urinalysis).
  • Well child check-ups.
  • EMR to provide continuity of care.
  • Multi-vitamins for children and vulnerable adults.
  • Prenatal vitamins for pregnant/breastfeeding women.
  • Flouride varnish to prevent tooth decay.
  • Follow-up by FFP medical staff.

Food and water. The most basic healthcare.

Necessary for survival, many people live in circumstances that do not allow them sufficient access to food and water for themselves.

FFP helps:

  • Amputees and the blind.
  • HIV/AIDS patients.
  • Malnourished and sick individuals

Medical Mission Teams

Skilled teams of medical professionals provide care the underserved. The importance of these teams in decreasing the overall disease burden in these commuities cannot be overstated.

FFP Teams provide:

  • Mobile clinics in underserved areas and for isolated people groups.
  • Patient care for common diseases.
  • About 50 different medicines free of charge.
  • Vitamins for children, vulnerable adults, and pregnant/breastfeeding women.
  • Health screenings for school children.
  • Facilitation of referrals into local medical system for additional treatment.
  • Use of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to facilitate follow-up.
  • Health care seminars and workshops.

Where do our teams work?

FFP medical teams typically provide mobile medical clinics in the largest available structure in the community, usually schools or churches. The communities prioritized are in impoverished urban neighborhoods, small towns or rural areas where people have little access to medical care due to distance, lack of funds or both.


How to join a trip

Most teams are formed and lead by a nursing or medical school from the US. Organizations can reserve dates and bring their own team, ideally of 15 or more. In addition, we provide the opportunity to join one of several open trips to Haiti lead by our FFP staff. These trips are available for nurses, physicians, physician assistants and other medical professionals (including students). More details of these opportunities can be found on the sign-up for a trip page


Email [email protected] for information.

You can also find more information about the nursing and medical mission trips by visiting Nursing & Medical Mission Trips | Life-Changing Experience | Foundation for Peace


This opportunity is located in Haiti.

Professional Designation

Members Needed
Medical Doctor
Assistant/Allied Health

Healthcare Services Needed

Family Medicine/General Practice
Emergency/Disaster Medicine


Routine (MMR, DTP, Varicella)Mandatory
Yellow FeverMandatory
Hepatitis ARecommended
Hepatitis BRecommended


FFP also provides qualified translators for the non-English speaking providers.

Haitian; Haitian Creole