Volunteer with AFH (Haiti)

Opportunity provided by

Aid for Haiti

Seeks to share Christian faith with the people of Haiti through compassionate healthcare, spiritual ministry, and training for service.


Travel with AFH…into some of the most remote and needy regions of Haiti. Down footpaths, into slums, and through the darkest mountains, we exist to reach out to the unreached throughout Haiti no matter where they live.

Volunteer Teams exist to care for the needy, directly evangelize and disciple believers, and empower the local Haitian church. Our aim is that a lasting relationship is built between you, the Haitian people and Aid for Haiti.

Our only motive in reaching the people of Haiti is the Love of Christ. Volunteers can expect a very rigorous and inspiring Christ centered experience designed to focus on ministry to the Haitian people and their needs instead of our own. Through all we do we strive to minister to the people of Haiti at the expense of our own comfort and desires.

Providing medical care to some of the most remote areas and underserved people of Haiti

We work to provide physical healing to both individuals and communities remote regions through emergency relief, research, medical services not locally available, and community health development. Local pastors, nurses or community leaders who find an area of need contact us and invite us to work in a region. We work by first surveying a community and identifying the most appropriate medical response. Some areas have may have sustained a disaster and need immediate disaster aid, some have no local medical resources and need a medical or surgical response, others may have a chronic medical issue better dealt with through community health through evangelism. Still others have rare and specific medical conditions best treated through research and specific treatment, such as our experience with goiters and iodine deficiency. Through all we do the Gospel of Christ is presented as it is what brings about true lasting change.

Remote Medical Ministry

Traveling to three main remote, mountainous areas within Haiti, we provide the only health care in the immediate region. This program is an ongoing program to connect remote villages that have never received care to compassionate heath care and the love of Christ. Often in the remote areas of Haiti, access to medical care is nonexistent. If that is the case we step in and provide care.

Surgical Ministry

Surgical care is given to those without any other place to turn. Over in more rural areas we discover people who have been suffering from surgical diseases for many years. Multiple times a year surgical teams come to address this need.


Community Health

Chronic medical problems in a community require long-term solutions, designed by the members of the community. At AFH we follow the model of CHE (Community Health Evangelism) where the transforming message of Jesus Christ is at the heart of all development efforts. Works have included agriculture, gardening projects, nutrition, training in sewing and other handicrafts, or women’s health and hygiene. The topic and nature of the work is directed by the community we are serving. Seminars may be aimed at men, women, youth, or other groups.

Disaster Relief

After the Earthquake of 2010 Aid for Haiti traveled to an underserved area and served as the only medical care for a town of 12,000 for over a month. We stand ready to respond to the next disaster in Haiti.
To take the next step:


  1. Pray – pray if God would have you join us in Haiti.
  2. Contact – If your group or church feels lead to help minister in Haiti, please contact us at [email protected]
  3. Sharpen – Sharpen you mind and spiritual life. ministry in Haiti is very stressful and taxing. Please be prepared for this
  4. Prepare – AFH will provide you with training and materials to help make specific preparation.


This opportunity is located in Haiti.

Professional Designation

Members Needed
Medical Doctor

Healthcare Services Needed

Family Medicine/General Practice
Emergency/Disaster Medicine
Women's Health, Obstetrics & Gynecology


Haitian; Haitian Creole