Medical Trip to Kanoua (Ivory Coast)

Opportunity provided by

Access Ivory Coast

Aims to provide patient care and medical services to those in need in Ivory Coast, based in Christian ministry.


Since 2017, Access facilitates church planting through medical care. We partner with Independent Baptist national pastors and missionaries to provide unreached people groups with access to the Gospel. Medical missions is meeting people where they are, feeling their pain and finding a cure, then leading them to Jesus Christ.

An Access team is comprised of individuals with medical training, including students pursuing degrees in healthcare. Team members receive on-field training through sessions on tropical medicine. The focus of the trip is providing patient care in rural mission field settings for the purpose of bringing people to Christ. 

Team members are selected on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. Visitors arrive at the Félix-Houphouët Boigny International Airport in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.  Flights are coordinated through a travel agency.  Four days are spent traveling. This allows for several days on the field to serve in ministry and enjoy the people.


Kanoua – March 12-23, 2025
The city of Kanoua is located in central Ivory Coast, just outside of the country’s second-largest city, Bouaké.  Bouaké is home to the Baoulé people.  The Baoulé are widely known for their warm hospitality and openness to outsiders.  The city name Bouaké actually comes from two Baoulé words:  “Boua” which means sheep and “ké” which means dry.  For centuries, Bouaké was an important trade stop where the Jola people would dry and sell sheep skins.  Today, many Baoulé are “dry” spiritually as they wait to hear about new life in Christ.  We are excited about this opportunity to bring medical missions to Kanoua for the first time.  We will be partnering with national Independent Baptist Pastor Kouamé and his young church plant.  Join us for this amazing trip!

Checklist for Short-Term Medical Missions Trip

You’re coming.  Now, what?

1. Sign-up  

Signing up is the first step to secure a spot on the team.  To sign up, submit the following documents online:  application form, liability form, passport, pastoral recommendation, and medical license.  An application fee of $345 is necessary to secure a spot on a team.  This amount is deducted from the overall trip cost.

2. Payment

The trip payment includes all of your trip expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals, and ground transportation.

3. Passport

A passport is required for the trip.  Your passport must be valid for 6 months after the return date per passport regulations. For more information on how to get a passport, visit    

4. Immunizations

The Yellow Fever immunization is required to enter Côte d’Ivoire. Contact your local Health Department to check on availability. When you receive the Yellow Fever shot, you will be given a Yellow Fever booklet. An Ivoirian Health Department official will check for this booklet when you go through customs in Abidjan. Other recommended vaccines include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid Fever, and Tetanus. We suggest getting your immunizations early due to frequent shortages.

5. International Travel Doctor’s Appointment

Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. Request a prescription for a medication that you will take during your trip to prevent Malaria. 

6. Airfare

The team flights are coordinated through our travel agency. Each team member will receive an individual itinerary.  Team members are welcome to review their itineraries, and we are available to help with any changes that need to be made. 

7. Visa

A visa is required to enter the country. It is recommended to apply for your visa 2-3 months before your trip. 


Please find more information about the upcoming mission trips on Access official website, Upcoming Trips. 

To apply for a mission trip, please visit the Access Trip Application form.
For other relevant information you can also visit the FAQs webpage.


This opportunity is located in Kanoua, Ivory Coast.

Professional Designation

Members Needed
Medical Doctor
Assistant/Allied Health

Healthcare Services Needed

Family Medicine/General Practice
Infectious & Tropical Diseases


Routine (MMR, DTP, Varicella)Mandatory
Yellow FeverMandatory
Hepatitis ARecommended
Hepatitis BRecommended

