Volunteers Program at The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic

Opportunity provided by

Robert Clemente Health Clinic, The

Provides affordable access to high-quality healthcare and wellness programs in the Tola coastal communities of Nicaragua.


The Roberto Clemente Clinic hosts hundreds of volunteers from all over the world. Depending on their experience level, our volunteers can perform a range of activities, from taking vital signs and helping with patient intake to providing emergency care and performing minor surgeries. They are also able to work in our organic garden or with our clean water treatment and distribution program.

We love our volunteers! Their strong desire to help others is so admirable. You can be our next hero! Volunteers are always welcome.


The volunteer program at The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is as rewarding to the volunteers as it is to the local patients. We invite anyone with interest in an international volunteer experience.


The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic team in Nicaragua is very thankful for our volunteer's expertise and support at the clinic.

For medical professionals with 3 or more years of work experience we require a donation of $200 which also covers up to two weeks of volunteering. Your donation also help us to pay the salaries of our local doctors and nurses who work day and night to provide quality healthcare to our patients. In addition to the program donation, we also welcome donations of medical supplies.
The volunteer is responsible for all costs associated with their trip.


Experienced Medical Professionals (3 or more years of work experience):

  • Registration form
  • Copies of your licenses, permits and credentials.
  • Copies of your Diploma if you have been practicing for 3 years or longer.
  • Copies of your passport with picture.
  • Up-to-date Resume or CV.
  • Program Donation 
  • Waiver signed and notarized (we will send it by email).
  • International travel insurance in case of an accident, with a specific EVACUATION coverage.
  • A letter with full inventory of medicines pre-approved 8 weeks before arriving if you plan on bringing a large quantity of donated medicine. If not, disregard.

Volunteers are welcome to come to the clinic during any week of the year. All we ask is that you send us all the required documents two months before your arrival; please keep in mind that the latest we can accept a volunteer is two weeks before their arrival.


For more information, contact:

Julia Guth, Chair of the Board at 410-223-2630
[email protected]

or her assistant:

Caitlin Kratz at
[email protected]


This opportunity is located in El Limon Dos, Nicaragua.

Professional Designation

Members Needed
Medical Doctor

Healthcare Services Needed

Family Medicine/General Practice


Routine (MMR, DTP, Varicella)Mandatory
Yellow FeverMandatory
Hepatitis ARecommended
Hepatitis BRecommended


While we do receive a handful of patients that are English speaking, the large majority speaks Spanish. In most cases you will be doing community outreach, which requires volunteers to have some Spanish proficiency. However, if you do not speak any Spanish you also have the option of hiring a translator for $30 a day.

Spanish; Castilian

Amenities & Accomodations

There are a number of hotels in the area where volunteers can stay while working with us. The cost of each hotel varies and it is your responsibility to choose the right hotel for you.