Hospital Accessibility Map

This map shows estimated travel times to the nearest hospital for various medical specialties within the boundaries of a specific country. Travel times are calculated using multiple data sources: OpenStreetMap provides road and infrastructure data while Google Maps APIs provide real-time travel speed statistics.

The legend indicates travel time ranges. Toggle the layers in the legend panel to view estimated travel times for different specialties or groups of specialties such as general surgery, specialized surgery, etc. Hover over a hospital (represented by black circles) to see its name.

Hospital Population Coverage

This map visualizes healthcare access levels, focusing on regions lacking sufficient coverage. The portion of the target population that remains underserved, despite being within the service area of existing facilities, is estimated based on the capacity limitations of each facility.

  • The coverage layers show healthcare access in green shades, with darker greens indicating more coverage.

  • The medical desert layers highlight in red areas with high populations but insufficient access, with deep red as top priorities.

Medical Deserts

Like the Hospital Population map, this shows healthcare access gaps, estimating the percentage lacking access to medical specialties in each area. Hover to see population percentage without access.

Two representations are available:

  • QuadTree layers divide areas into subdivisions containing equal populations. This helps identify regions with high population density but low coverage (i.e. smaller subdivisions in shades or red).
  • Other layers display coverage by administrative boundaries.

Hospital Opportunity Zones

This map identifies viable sites for constructing new healthcare facilities based on factors like population density, land use, roads, and existing facilities. It uses a machine learning model with geospatial and image data to estimate suitability through multi-scale geographic features.

Scaling-Up for Accessibility

This map identifies optimal locations for constructing new healthcare facilities in order to expand service coverage to the most people. It prioritizes sites based on increasing accessibility and serving larger populations when scaling up health infrastructure.

Regional Accessibility Expansion

This map pinpoints high-impact locations for constructing new healthcare facilities uniformly across the nation rather than concentrating sites based solely on population gain. It identifies evenly dispersed facilities to broaden nationwide accessibility. This ensures increased national coverage when expanding health infrastructure.
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