Uganda Medical Mission (March 2024)


Kamengo, Uganda

March 10, 2024 - March 21, 2024 (11 days)

Opportunity provided by

Canada-Africa Community Health Alliance

Sends Canadian volunteer teams on two- to three-week missions to African communities to work hand-in-hand with local partners.


For our medical mission to Kamengo, we are looking for volunteers to join our team of 15-20 people and below you can find an outline of what you might expect if you come along.

Wherever you come from, whatever your profession and background, we would be delighted to have you join our team. We work closely together as a team of Canadian and Ugandan nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, physicians, surgeons, and logisticians* to provide the local people with free health care services including:

· primary health care including gyne

· eye exams and reading glasses

· HIV, Malaria and Syphilis testing

· dental extractions

· surgeries

· medications

*Note: logisticians are non-medical people who organize everything so that the medical people can see patients.

In this second post-COVID medical mission we have set the following the objectives for the medical mission, working with our Kamengo partners to:

1. Provide health care services in a safe and effective manner taking into consideration COVID safety protocols (masks, social distancing, hand washing and hand sanitizing stations)

2. Provide access to high-quality healthcare services and to support the local healthcare system including the sharing of information between Canadian and Ugandan medical personnel.

1. Work with local Ugandan partners to provide quality health care.

2. Orientation Team meeting for Ugandans and Canadians

3. Sharing and teaching of clinical information between Uganda and Canadian clinicians

3. Offering services at the Ggoli Health Center, with surgeries being scheduled and performed in partnership with the Nkozi Hospital.

4. Contribute to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS

CACHA medical missions are non-profit and self-funded by volunteers and their donors. The mission cost is disbursed over a variety of mission-related expenses including; accommodation, food, in-country transportation, allowances for locally engaged partners, medical and logistics equipment and supplies, communications, customs, medical treatments and referrals for patients, as well as CACHA overhead and management, CACHA membership fee, and helps to support many of our CACHA projects.

All donations submitted to CACHA toward payment of mission costs and plane tickets are tax deductible.

Mission Cost per participant: $3,500
Estimated Flight Cost: $1,500 – $2,500 international flight and $300-$500 in-country flight
Partner: AZBGC, Ggoli Health Center, Nkozi Hospital
Beneficiaries: 3000+ people from 35+ villages in the surrounding area


Kamengo Uganda

Professional designation


Members Needed

Medical Doctor




Assistant/Allied Health


Healthcare services needed

Family Medicine/General Practice


Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology



Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery


Routine (MMR, DTP, Varicella)


Yellow Fever


Hepatitis A


Hepatitis B










Additional notes & documents

After CACHA’s review of your form, you will be asked to: - Pay CACHA membership dues. - Set up a volunteer page on our website. - Submit a picture for the page. - Attend a mandatory volunteer information session. The session will discuss the mission in more detail and provide an opportunity to ask questions to the Mission Lead and to CACHA staff. Information regarding your particular session is sent out via email. - Start fundraising. For more information about this mission please visit CACHA dedicated webpage:

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