Chikondi Health Foundation

Chikondi Health Foundation

Postal Address

P.O. Box 210161

Montgomery, AL 36121

United States


+1 334 315 5225

Editorial Overview

Promotes spiritual and physical health through medical missions at Blessings Hospital in Lumbadzi, Malawi, and through the support of local churches.

Countries of activity

🇲🇼 Malawi

Healthcare services provided

  • Infectious & Tropical Diseases
  • Surgery
  • Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hospital Affiliations


Blessings Hospital (Lumbadzi)

Volunteer Opportunities

Chikondi Health Foundation

Malawi Surgey Trips


Lumbadzi, Malawi
NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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