Friends of Mandritsara Trust

Friends of Mandritsara Trust

Postal Address

29 Priory Road

Needingworth, Cambridgeshire PE27 4SD

United Kingdom

Editorial Overview

Supports the work of the Good News Hospital in and around the district of Mandritsara in Northern Madagascar. Based in Christian ministry, aims to meet both the medical and spiritual needs of local communities through medical and surgical services along with church planting.

Countries of activity

🇲🇬 Madagascar

Areas of activity

  • Education
  • Family Care
  • Infrastructure & Development
  • Media & Communications
  • Social Services & Rehabilitation

Healthcare services provided

  • Family Medicine/General Practice
  • Maternal–Fetal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology/Optometry
  • Pediatrics
  • Public Health
  • Surgery
  • Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hospital Affiliations


Good News Hospital (Hopitaly Vaovao Mahafaly)

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities available in Madagascar.

Friends of Mandritsara Trust

Medical Volunteers for Good News Hospital (Madagascar)


Mandritsara, Madagascar
NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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