Chances for Children

Chances for Children

Postal Address

20343 North Hayden Road

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

United States


+1 480 659 7625

Editorial Overview

Aims to return children to good health through medical attention and good nutrition in a supportive, faith-based environment that is conducive to their emotional and physical development.

Countries of activity

🇭🇹 Haiti

Areas of activity

  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Economic Empowerment & Microfinance
  • Education
  • Family Care
  • Infrastructure & Development
  • Social Services & Rehabilitation
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Women’s Empowerment

Healthcare services provided

  • Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Family Medicine/General Practice
  • Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
  • Pediatrics

Volunteer Opportunities

Chances for Children

Medical Volunteers for Pediatric Clinic in Haiti


Kenscoff, Haiti
NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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