Medical and Dental Volunteers for Haiti



Opportunity provided by

Haiti Outreach Ministries

Based in Christian ministry, provides education and healthcare in partnership with the Haitian-led Mission Communautaire de l’Eglise Chretienne des Cites (MICECC).


Health Care

Our medical and dental clinic provides essential and life-saving care in an area where very few healthcare options exist. Staffed by a team of Haitian physicians and nurses, over 12,000 adult and pediatric patients are cared for in a professional and compassionate environment. In addition to acute care, the clinic staff also provides vaccinations, a prenatal care program, and an initiative to track hypertension. A full-time dentist and dental assistant provide invaluable oral hygiene care, services that are in high demand in Haiti as it is estimated that only 300 dentists exist for a population of more than 10 million people.

US volunteer mission teams comprised of medical and dental professionals have a long history of serving in the HOM clinic, augmenting the number of patients who can be seen each day. Volunteer teams have also provided vision care, another service that is extremely difficult to receive in Haiti. Through both on-site Haitian staff and US volunteers, the clinic improves both individual and community health and quality of life through excellence in patient care, vital health education, and robust health promotion services.

A short-term mission trip is 1 week in length, with arrival on Saturday or Sunday.
Generally, 2-3 teams are scheduled per week, depending on team size and project.
Currently, there are few opportunities for individuals, but efforts will be made to pair volunteers aged 21 and older with existing teams or other individuals to form a team.

The average cost for a 1-week mission trip is approximately $1400-$1800 per person, depending on airfare, lodging choice, and project type. The daily cost for lodging is $40 per person if staying at HOM’s guesthouse; other local guesthouses and hotels range from $45 up. Other costs include transportation, translators, souvenirs, and sightseeing trips.



Professional designation


Members Needed

Medical Doctor


Healthcare services needed

Family Medicine/General Practice

Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery


Routine (MMR, DTP, Varicella)


Yellow Fever


Hepatitis A


Hepatitis B












Haitian; Haitian Creole


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