Children of Peace International (COPI)

Children of Peace International (COPI)

Year formed


Postal Address

P.O. Box 2911

Loveland, CO 80539-2911

United States


+1 970 541 1145

Organization Description

Develops the ability of the people of Vietnam to help themselves through health care and education.

Countries of activity

🇻🇳 Vietnam

Areas of activity

  • Social Services & Rehabilitation
  • Education

Healthcare services provided

  • Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Family Medicine/General Practice
  • Infectious & Tropical Diseases
  • Pediatrics

Volunteer Opportunities

Provides volunteer opportunities to medical and dental care professionals.

Children of Peace International (COPI)

Medical And Dental Missions in Vietnam


NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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