About Uganda

The Republic of Uganda, landlocked in East-Central Africa, has a large and burgeoning population of about 44.7 million people.The population density of Uganda is high relative to other African countries, and many people live in the capital city of Kampala, in the central and southern regions, and along the shorelines of Lake Albert and Lake Victoria. English is the official language, with Swahili also widely spoken. This scenic nation is known for Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa.

After the country won its independence from Britain in 1962, Uganda experienced a period of political instability and violence, but things have improved significantly since the 1980s. Poverty was reduced by half between 1992 and 2013, mainly due to the growth and development of the agriculture sector, which now employs as much as 70 percent of Ugandans. The country’s population is one of the youngest and most rapidly increasing in the world. This is fueled by a high fertility rate—5.8 children per woman. However, Uganda faces specific challenges when it comes to its economy, education, livelihood, and especially health.

Uganda has some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, and one-third of children under five are stunted due to malnutrition. However, the Ugandan government has significantly improved the country’s health infrastructure, supplies, and training. The result: A decrease in the under-five mortality rate—from about 162 deaths down to 58 deaths per 1,000 live births between 1990 and 2019—and an overall improvement in life expectancy. While improvements have been made to health, diseases such as neonatal disorders, malaria, HIV/AIDS, lower respiratory infections, tuberculosis, stroke, diarrheal diseases, ischemic heart disease, congenital defects, and meningitis cause the most deaths in the country. Notably, sexually transmitted infections are also a top cause of death in Uganda, and have increased over time.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Fondazione Corti Onlus

Volunteering in Uganda (Lacor Hospital)


Lacor Hospital, Uganda

Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC)

Global Health Volunteer Program - Project Bududa (Uganda)


Bududa, Uganda




Kamuli Mission Hospital, Uganda


Kyegegwa, Uganda

Holy Innocents Children's Hospital Uganda

Medical Missions Volunteers (Uganda)


Mbarara, Uganda


Ddegeya Village, Uganda


Kabira Health Centre (Kyotera District), Uganda


Life Expectancy

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Physician Density

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Hospital Bed Density

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Maternal Mortality
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