Orbis International

Orbis International

Year formed


Postal Address

520 8th Ave

New York, NY 10018

United States


+1 646 674 5500

Editorial Overview

Works to prevent and treat blindness through hands-on training and improved access to quality eye care.

Countries of activity

🇬🇾 Guyana

🇧🇴 Bolivia

🇵🇪 Peru

🇨🇱 Chile

🇬🇭 Ghana

🇪🇹 Ethiopia

🇺🇸 United States

🇿🇲 Zambia

🇹🇿 Tanzania

🇲🇼 Malawi

🇷🇼 Rwanda

🇺🇬 Uganda

🇨🇲 Cameroon

🇮🇳 India

🇳🇵 Nepal

🇧🇩 Bangladesh

🇨🇳 China

🇻🇳 Vietnam

🇭🇰 Hong Kong

🇲🇳 Mongolia

🇰🇪 Kenya

Areas of activity

  • Disability & Access
  • Education
  • Infrastructure & Development
  • Social Services & Rehabilitation

Healthcare services provided

  • Anesthesiology
  • Ophthalmology/Optometry
  • Surgery

Volunteer Opportunities

Orbis International

Mission Trips to Mongolia


NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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