

Postal Address

7984 South 1300 East

Sandy, UT 84094

United States


+1 801 524 0201

Editorial Overview

Aims to make quality urological care available worldwide by providing medical and surgical education for physicians and nurses, and treatment for thousands of children and adults.

Countries of activity

🇮🇳 India

🇲🇳 Mongolia

🇻🇳 Vietnam

🇭🇳 Honduras

🇯🇲 Jamaica

🇲🇽 Mexico

🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago

🇨🇲 Cameroon

🇬🇭 Ghana

🇭🇹 Haiti

🇰🇪 Kenya

🇲🇿 Mozambique

🇳🇬 Nigeria

🇷🇼 Rwanda

🇸🇳 Senegal

🇸🇱 Sierra Leone

🇸🇩 Sudan

🇸🇿 Swaziland

🇹🇿 Tanzania

🇺🇬 Uganda

🇿🇲 Zambia

🇿🇼 Zimbabwe

🇮🇱 Israel

🇨🇮 Ivory Coast

Areas of activity

  • Education
  • Research & Scientific Studies

Healthcare services provided

  • Anesthesiology
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Surgery
  • Urology
  • Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volunteer Opportunities

Apply on organization website.


Medical Volunteers for Urology Trips to Mongolia


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