Global Volunteers

Global Volunteers

Year formed


Postal Address

375 East Little Canada Road

Saint Paul, MN 55117-1628

United States


+1 800 487 1074

Organization Description

Encourages and enables volunteers to spend short periods of time working with and learning from and about local people in communities throughout the world.

Countries of activity

🇵🇪 Peru

🇹🇿 Tanzania

Areas of activity

  • Displaced Populations & Refugees
  • Education
  • Business & Finance
  • Labor
  • Family Care
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Infrastructure & Development

Healthcare services provided

  • Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Emergency/Disaster Medicine
  • Family Medicine/General Practice
  • Infectious & Tropical Diseases
  • Nutrition
  • Ophthalmology/Optometry
  • Pediatrics
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Public Health
  • Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volunteer Opportunities

Provides volunteer opportunities to healthcare professionals.

Global Volunteers

Medical Volunteers for Ipalamwa General Clinic (Tanzania)


Ipalamwa, Tanzania
NonprofitsVolunteeringHealthcare FacilitiesInsights

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